Boost your Business

we put our clients satisfaction at the top of our list. After studying their business needs, wants, and limitations, we apply cutting-edge technologies to create smart marketing solutions to help them grow their business

How We think ?

Strategies Setup

Achieve a competitive advantage in the market.

Market Analysis

Expect when you introduce your brand & its products .

Media Planning

Be more very organized to success.

Smart Goal Setup

Let your goal be Specific, Realistic & Timely.

Steps To Start Marketing?

Marketing refers to any actions a company takes to attract an audience to its products or services through high-quality messaging to ultimately increase sales.
At Segma Media we follow 4 main steps which are:
Persona creation, Planning, Targeting, Metrics comparison
So we can get to our desired goal.

customer persona, audience persona, or marketing persona represents your targeted audience. You will give it a name, according to its demographic details, interests, and behavioral traits. You’ll understand their goals, pain points, and buying patterns.

Market planning is the process of organizing and defining the marketing aims of a company and gathering strategies to achieve them. A solid marketing plan should consist of the company’s value proposition, information regarding its target market or customers, a comparative positioning of its competitors in the market, promotion strategies, distribution channels, and budget allocated for the plan.

According to the persona we created and the plan we placed our marketing department start targeting the group of people that have been identified as the most likely potential customers for your product/service because of their shared characteristics such as age, income, and lifestyle

At Segma Media we follow, manage and develop. One of our specifications is that we keep on checking on the results we got according to the marketing plan we’re following so our team will we adjust, compare and follow the consequences. Like checking if we reached the goal we set for KPI *KPI is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives.

What is Segma Free Consultation

We offer you free consultations. All you have to do is contact our specialized team and show us the problem you are facing to get the best solutions and accurate and useful advice.

Advantages of Digital marketing

In order to succeed in achieving the goals of your company or project, you must know how to formulate these goals in the right way, and in order to do so, you must know what the marketing plan is. The marketing plan is a roadmap that any company follows in order to organize, implement and follow up the various marketing strategies to achieve the company's goals in a specific period of time.

Digital marketing is the means to achieve more sales, make offers, or communicate with your customers

Reach customers and users who are looking for your services and products with professionalism and accuracy for better results

We choose the best methods for writing content and designing appropriate publications to ensure real interaction

Segma team designs for social media accounts are pieces of art and not just design

Configuring search engines helps you reach the customer who is looking for you directly to achieve a better return

Study competitors and the market, and analyze strengths and weaknesses to develop sales and for more opportunities

We help you professionally create the appropriate mental image of the nature of your services and the quality of your audience

Digital marketing gives your business the advantage of interaction from the audience with comments, participation, and events



Promote your business

Marketing is the action of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
Today, digital marketing is something that every company and organization must implement in its growth strategy.
Many companies use marketing techniques to achieve their goals without even realizing it, as they work to promote themselves and increase sales of their products or services.
These days, marketing is one of the key aspects of businesses.
what are you waiting for?
press here to check our marketing packages

Your digital marketing plan should depend on the goal you want to achieve. Once you notify us about the pain points you want to solve, we will provide you with a proposed marketing which determines the amount to be spent on your ads and the results that you will get.
Our team of marketing experts prepare the proposed marketing plan for your business field after studying your business, targeted audience and competitors.
This marketing plan will be proposed, you can agree with it or you can ignore it

Defined as the process of improving your website’s visibility in search engines through an unpaid (organic) “natural” search result.
An effective SEO service can put your websites on top of a similar website under the eyes of 58% of people who prefer to use search engines to get their needs and knowledge through the expanded internet, especially the google search engine used by 90% of internet visitors, that’s why You have to be there because it is the perfect way of e-marketing that enables you to get your target customers.

EPIC is a framework placed and developed by Facebook marketing team, business and branding experts
Facebook relied on it to help its clients develop their brands and pove them to have a strong presence on social media platforms.
EPIC is the abbreviation of Existence, Purpose, Identity, and Connection.